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Pegasus Fittings Stockist

Pegasus Fittings

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Hassle Free Ways To Save On Heating Bills

Here’s things you can do right now to save on heating, costing little or no money. Switch Energy Supplier This is by far the easiest ways to cut bills and is simple to do. By switching your supplier you could save on a whopping £250 a year although the exact amount saved will depend on…

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Are Air Conditioners Worth The Money?

Well, we are certainly having a run of hot weather lately and we are sure like us you are finding it a tad difficult to sleep! Things like keeping the curtains closed during the day and using a portable fan can help. But when a fan won’t cut it maybe it’s time to buy an…

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How Easy Is It To Replace An Electric Shower?

Replacing an electric shower can seem a bit daunting. As sometimes the water inlets or entry points may be inconsistent with the shower brand that you are replacing. Which can lead to extra work but the T80Z electric shower is designed for a hassle free installation. What Are Fast Fit Showers? The Triton Fast Fit…

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How To Find The Right Plumber Without Going Round The Bend!

Its winter, freezing cold and a bad time time of year for the boiler to break down or worst still you have burst pipes. There’s water pouring everywhere and you go into panic mode! Firstly turn off the water via your main stop tap, this usually found in the kitchen. This scenario is not the…

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Fires – Not Just For Indoors!

We all want to get more use out of our gardens but unfortunately the British climate is not exactly ideal for sitting outside into the wee small hours! Cooking and eating outdoors is one of lifes greatest pleasures for most of us. Invest in an outdoor fireplace and make the most of the garden. Just…

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